Month: February 2009

  • Photos + Vids (Feb 2-13)

    What a stressful week.
    Yesterday was my last day at work so I took Zoe in with me. Afterwards we met up with Angela + Lila and went to the toy store inside the tower. They had one of those kiddie tables where they have wooden trains tracks with magnetic trains. So Zoe is standing there playing, she loses her balance hits the inside of her lip on the edge of the table and falls backwards and hits her head on the floor. Then there was blood. OMIGOD! I was trying to stay calm but I was freaking out inside. I saw the first drop land on her shirt and was trying to not lose my shit! She was screaming her head off crying and I saw that her top 4 teeth were covered in blood! She had cut that lil piece of skin that bridges your gum to your upper lip. *sigh* I hate being a mom. I hate this feeling when your child gets hurt and there’s nothing you can do. I hate feeling helpless. She seemed to calm down after I gave her my keys to play with and the bleeding eventually stopped. I took her to see the pediatrician this morning and he said besides the cut that everthing was fine and that the cut will heal on it’s own but it probably wouldn’t reconnect again. He said that there’s no significant use for it and that she will still be able to grow up kiss boys just fine.

    If her father had been there…..tsk tsk…hahaha…
    I’m just happy that Zoe’s ok. I know it’s just a fuckin cut but if anything serious happened to her I don’t know what I’d do. Omigod I’m crying while I’m writing this. I think it’s just me being scared from yesterday when she got hurt and feeling helpless. It’s just tears of relief and tears from ihatebeingamomattimeslikethis tears. God Zoe! You have no idea just how much I love you. I can’t even put it into words…

    TGIF! I have my nephews dol. this weekend!
    Here’s the birthday hat I made for him w/ Angie‘s help.
    IMG_1039  Cute huh?

    I leave you with some photos + videos of Zoe. I swear. Her father kills me sometimes when he “taints” my videos. You know I have a really good one where Zoe is just having the time of her life but I can’t post it cause I caught him picking his kokomong (nose) in the first few seconds of it!?

    ::02.13.09:: Zoe was ok from this. She cried and then I punished the hardwood floors and all was better. I cannot wait till she’s more stable. I CANNOT FRIGGIN WAIT! I think I already had like 40 heart attacks.

    :: 02.12.09 ::
    IMG_0563  IMG_0566

    :: 02.10.09 :: My friend who’s Indian left me a comment on facebook and wrote “We Indians don’t make this noise.” You guys aren’t “REAL” Asians either my brown brother. I JUST KEED VAISH! I love you. The baby shower below was for his wife, Carmen….who’s a REAL Asian. Holla.

    :: 02.07.09 ::
    IMG_0710            IMG_0714
    IMG_0719            IMG_0721
    I love this neck pillow! I put it on her in the house and then I show her in front of the mirror and she just starts smiling from ear to ear and just keeps them on. It keeps her head positioned upright when she sleeps in her car seat. 
    IMG_0727          IMG_0724

    :: 02.04.09 ::
    IMG_0690           IMG_0708

    :: 02.03.09 :: Remember Andrew?
    IMG_0698-1            IMG_0699-2 IMG_0701 
    IMG_0704-1           IMG_0707-1

  • More Solids For Dracula

    From what I can see and touch, Zoe has 8 visible teeth. Which means I can give her more variety when it comes to meal time to practice using her chompers…
    IMG_0974         IMG_0966-1
    IMG_0950         IMG_0951

    …HOWEVER, sweet lil Dracula here likes to bite. 
    I hit her hand when she does this and she just doesn’t get it. She thinks I”m playing. What do I do? How do I fix this?

  • Responsibility Chart

    I just ordered this for my niece, Josie, who’s 4 and my nephew, Owen, who’s 3. Apparently Josie is starting to talk back to her mother and Owen has about 6 time outs before he goes to sleep. Hopefully this will motivate them. Hope this works.

    One Step Ahead
    rcone  rctwo  

  • Layoff Update

    So this is my last week at work. I’m sad. I’m gonna miss a lot of people. For as long as I can remember I have ALWAYS worked. Since like, my junior year in highschool and throughout college. So now about to venture into something new…being a stay at home mom. Dun Dun DUN!! I feel that I will age in the months to come but I’m willing to embrace the new wrinkles that be for the Zoeski.

    Last week I went in to see her daycare director and explained our current situation and she told me that Zoe will always be welcomed back even if there’s a waiting list. SUHWEET! And she said if I’m bored at home I can always come with Zoe and be like a subsitute teacher or a helper at the school. I love them there! I will truly miss seeing them every day. 

    I smell changes in the air. All new but good.

    Yesterday I left work and was walking to the subway and I was just thinking about how much Zoe’s grown and I started tearing.  WHAT DA FOCK?!? Where are your balls of steel Susan?!! Get a grip of your hormones woman!!

    Oh Zoe, how you turn me into mush even when you’re not with me.

    I leave you with a kiss from Zoe. She never gives you one on the cheek. I force her lips on my cheek and she just drools on it and starts laughing like a lil geek.

  • Zoe’s Favorite Hang Out Spots

    So now that our lil munchkin can crawl to where she wants to go she’s just a regular Christopher Columbus. I’ve noticed that she loves going to the same spots over and over.

    Hang Out Joint #1 :: Under the stools
    She will come from the living room and starting from the right she will go under each one. Sometimes the hubs and I will be sitting here eating dinner and she’ll just peak out from under the stool with her mouth open. Beggar. Mind you she eats before we do so this just makes her a begging pig.

    Hang Out Joint #2 :: Under the dining room table
    She loves to go under the table and push all the chairs out. Sometimes she just stays underneath and has a conversation with her imaginary friend named, There’snoonehereyoucrazy.

    Hang Out Joint #3 :: The end of the stair railing
    This one is new. This photo makes her look like the monkey that she is. She actually couldn’t climb down this ONE step because I think she thought she might lose her grip so she just clung on for dear life till I put my camera down and helped her. I’m nice, I helped her (after I laughed at her).

    Hang Out Joint #4 :: The sofa
    She likes to climb up after pushing herself off my thigh and then crawl to the corner of the couch and then licks the leather as if it were covered in sugar. She also likes it when I crawl after her on the couch pretending to chase her as she she tries to scramble away giggling.

    I’m sure she’ll get sick of these eventually and find new places to claim but for now Christopher is claiming these as hers.

  • Gangpeh

    Just to sum up on what HKCho already wrote…

    We met up on monday so that Justin and Zoe could have a playdate. This is the 3rd time that they have met and I have YET to take photos of them together. I feel this need to write about Zoe’s gangpeh (gangster) moment.

    Zoe and Justin sitting facing each other.
    Zoe has daddy’s PS3 control.
    Justin wants it.
    Justin grabs it.
    Zoe grabs it back.
    Zoe puts it behind her so Justin can’t get to it.
    Zoe literally lunges for Justin’s bib and proceeds to yank really hard.

    True gangpeh man. I’m guessing she learned this all in daycare. Survival of the fittest.

    I wish we had gotten it on video. Sowee Justin.
    Justin’s mommy is just laughing while I’m scolding. Haha…

  • Happy 11 Months Monkey Butt!

    IMG_0911 Sorry on the lack of updates. Zoe’s been sick.

    Oh Zoe. How you keep growing…and getting into things…and bumping your head…and smearing your boogies all over your face…and hogging up my side of the bed…but I would never sell you (even though your daddy keeps saying he would). We wouldn’t get much for you anyways since you’re not potty trained. It’s like trying to sell your house during this economic crisis. That would just be stupid on our part.

    We’ll wait till you’re potty trained.

    So you can now…
    :: Pick food up, squish it between your fingers, and THEN put it in your mouth
    :: Pick up the remote control, hold it to your ear like a phone and say, “Ohmah? Ugh. Ohmah? Ugh…Ugh…Ohmah?”
    :: Open drawers
    :: Stand up
    :: Walk if you hold my hands. If I squat down to look at your pretty face you get pissed off cause you think I’m taking a break. Jerk. I won’t look at your face then!
    :: Climb on the couch while stepping on my legs to get some leverage. Do I look like a ladder to you?!
    :: Make the kissing noise
    :: Click your tongue
    :: Climb down the couch backwards…but only when I remind you.
    :: Comprehend how to play with certain toys. You know you need to press a button to make things go or you know you need to move something on the toy in order for it to work.
    :: Clap her hands and pat her lap and sway back and forth especially when she hears music
    :: High five
    :: Wave good bye
    :: Play Peek a boo
    :: Crawl super fast
    :: Say “no”, “ohmah”, “ahbah”
    :: Turn light switches off and sometimes on.
    :: Hold on to the door knob to shut the door.
    :: Put your hand to your mouth to make the “Indian” noise
    :: Loves food therefore is trying to drink less formula. Do you know how expensive formula is missy?

    I know there’s more. I’ll just keep adding if I remember.

    So this week Zoe has been sick. She got my cold and has a really bad cough along with a runny nose. So I stayed home this entire week to nurse the monkey back to health.

    - A Week In Our Lives - 
    :: 02.19.09 :: Staying home from school again
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    :: 02.18.09 :: Daddy’s birthday
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    :: 02.17.09 :: Staying home from school

    :: 02.16.09 :: Reading  w/ Zoe (Video)

    :: 02.15.09 :: The hubs birthday party
    IMG_0838          IMG_0837-1

    :: 02.14.09 :: V-Day was spent at Costco buying formula and diapers
    IMG_0828            IMG_0827-1
    IMG_0822            IMG_0814
    FOCK. I ran out of space on my external hard drive. Shit. UGH!

  • Happy Birthday Hun!

    I will forever look at this photo of you and think “Wow. How did I get so lucky?”
    Just kidding. Zoe and I are very lucky ladies.

    This sure do change when you have a baby. Last year I took him out to dinner at Cafe Boulud (which I think is overrated) and we saw Damon Wayans stand-up at Caroline’s. This year we’re staying home. I made lasagna and miyuk gook. His birthday present has yet to arrive. I bought him a new golf bag. Hope he likes it. He broke his other one.

  • New Site: Uncommonly Cute

    I LOVE this idea. So now that Zoe is bordering the toddler stage I’ve been obsessed with finding shoes. The only shoes we bought her are the fuzzy white booties and now her new chucks. I’m really picky about her shoes though. Usually I end up walking out of the store thinking “Man, if that only came in black I would’ve bought it.” or “I would have gotten that if it didn’t have the little butterfly on it.”

    This site lets you design your own shoes. I know! Genius! I love the booties.

    Uncommonly Cute

  • Sneak Peek

    Oh Lord. Why must you guys be so sweet and call me talented and skinny? *sigh*
    Ok fine. I’ll show you 2 of my projects. One I just ordered and assembled which was easy.
    I’m so easy. I’m a whore. I should be a prostitute.

    Paper Lanterns
    I’m gonna tie these bad boys up with the blue yarn. It’s a nice contrast.
    IMG_0774         IMG_0794  

    Paper Birthday Banner
    This is what’s taking me forever. I’m still working on this.
    I WAS going to use fabric but then I lost my job and was like “Paper sounds good.”
    I’m gonna use blue yarn for this as well.
    IMG_0800            IMG_0803