Month: November 2009

  • Update

    Zoe’s words: I like eet, Belle, owl, sweater, Ariel, Kathy and Tippy (both HK’s friends), I tire, I sleepy (or shreepy rather), Pluto, broccoli, look at me, i sorry, tree, owl

    Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! It’s been a while since I’ve been on.

    So yesterday we were shopping at Buy Buy Baby for safety gates. I left the hubs in the safety aisle while Zoe and I went to check out the latest toys. After about half an hour I get a call from the ball and chain telling me to come back. Once we got closer to where he was I said “Zoe, call appa.” Next thing you know she’s yelling “Hun! Hun!” So now if you say “Call daddy” or “Call appa” she always says “Hun!”

    I think she’s also going through a growth spurt.
    Not THAT kind of a growth spurt. Heh heh…
    Pants that fit her a month ago are now showing her ankles. Also she’s been such a piggy lately. I LOVE it. One night she ate a bowl of jook (porridge), and then took like 6 bites of my spaghetti, and then finished it off with 2 cream puffs. While she was muching on the first one I turned to her and said “You like it?” She looked up at me and responded “I like eet!” And then said it 6 more times in between the bites. Tonight she finished her entire bowl of moo gook (soup) and rice, ate a whole cheese stick, and then had half of a tai yaki (fish shaped red bean) ice cream sandwich. Gosh. I love it.

    I know I wrote that Zoe loves to play Hide and Go Seek. Sometimes she comes out of hiding before you can even find her and she’ll come right up to you and say “I find me!”

    :: 11.23.09 :: Naptime
    I was talking on the phone while pulling her in this wagon and when I checked up on her she had fallen asleep.

    :: 11.24.09 :: Playdate w/ Christian

    :: 11.26.09 :: Happy Thanksgiving!
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  • Video: Purse Carrier

    This video is old. When she was around 14 months. However she still holds her purse in the same fashion because she doesn’t want it coming off her shoulders.

  • Video: Sit & Spin

    Zoe’s gotten really good at this.

  • Happy 20 Months!

    Happy 20 months baby girl!

    Zoe’s vocab list is growing. She’ll look through her Hello Kitty coloring book and point to Hello Kitty’s mother and say “kitty umma” or she’ll point at the sister (Hello Kitty’s a twin) and say “kitty’s shister”. “Zoe what’s Kitty’s sister’s name?” “Mimi!” That’s right! Yesterday we went to Michael’s so that I could get supplies for a cup cake stand I’m making for someone’s dohl. We’re walking in the parking lot towards the store and she can see all these wreaths and poinsetta’s inside the window and she goes:

    Zoe: PLOWER! Umma plower!
    Me: I know flower! Say hi flower!
    Zoe: Plower NO NO!
    Me: No, Zoe be nice. What did the flower do to you? Say you’re sorry.
    Zoe: I shorry plower.

    She knows she gets either 2 jelly beans or 2 m&m’s if she tells me she took a poopy. So sometimes she comes over to me and goes,

    Zoe: Umma. Umma. Poopy.
    Me: You did poopy?
    Zoe: Yesh yesh. M and m.
    Me: Why don’t we check to see if you pooped first.

    So she turns around for me to sniff her butt…

    Me: No poopy you liar!
    Then she smiles and runs away cause I caught her in her little lie. Punk.

    This morning she was jumping on her book while yelling “I SHORRY BOOK!” She amazes me at how much she can comprehend with the little vocab she knows but she knows how to get her point across. This morning I was doing the dishes while she was watching her Hello Kitty video and she comes over to me 10 minutes later while waving both her hands and says emphatically “Umma. NO Kitty! NO Kitty! Umma, no kitty.” Ok I get it. She made me put in Pororo. A few minutes later I see her coloring on the kitchen cabinet and I yelled “WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING!? YOU GO GO!” Girlfriend bolted like she was in the olympics. Hahaha… Later she made me aquadoodle with her and she wanted me to aquadoodle over Diego but I was still doing Dora cause she had JUST FORCED me to and she kept whining…

    Zoe: Diego Diego! Eh Eh Eh Eh Diego!
    Me: Okay! Zoe, c’mon. What do you say?
    Zoe: Diego preash.

    That’s my girl. I love you Zoe. I look at you and I see that our little baby is now a little girl. Your personality is soo much like mine.

    :: Zoe’s Vocab List @ 20 Months ::

  • Our Week

    Zoe’s words: red, yellow, seven, wings, color, time out

    Zoe learns a lot from watching tv. Usually I have it on for background noise and she just goes about doing her thing and just looks up when something sounds interesting enough. And lately she’s hasn’t been a play-on-her-own type of girl. She’s been more of a umma-play-with-me-and-stop-doing-the-dishes type. Lucky me. So here are some photos of our play time this week.

    :: 11.16.09 :: We play hide and go seek….ALOT!

    :: 11.18.09 :: We play with spoons (Unlike weird people who use them to eat. We laugh at those people.)
    We learned this by watching Yo Gabba Gabba. Cool Cool Cool Tricks….YEAH!

    :: 11.19.09 :: We play pretend.
    “No Zoe, I’m not gonna wear it! Stop asking me already!”
    I’m her bitch. What can I say?
    So as you will notice Miss Zoe didn’t feel like just the wings would do the trick if you wanted to take off so she put on her beanie hat with the propeller. Genius.

  • Video: Cut it!

    One of Zoe’s favorite things is still those little Bio-Feel Yogurt drinks. I usually give them to her frozen. I cut the plastic half way down and when she gets to the halfway point I usually cut the rest of it down. Now she yells at me to let me know that has indeed reached the halfway point.

  • Tea Time!

    Last saturday, Zoe and I met up with our friends, Theresa, and her 3yr old daughter, Chloe, and we drove out to the city for some tea time and brunch with the lil girls. I know. They’re too young for tea. It was more for the mothers. We went to Alice’s Tea Cup. I’ve only heard about this place. It would definitely be more fun for them if they were older. Little girls can borrow fairy wings while they sit and eat. Besides tea you can even buy wings or wands there. The funny thing is, no one ordered tea.

    Alice’s Tea Cup
    102 W. 73rd Street
    New York, NY

    :: 11.14.09 ::
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  • Videos

    Zoe’s words: Russel (from the movie Up), seat, Aurora (from Sleeping Beauty), princess, moon, please

    Yesterday morning Zoe wanted a cup of water but instead of using words she stood in front of me and the fridge and proceeded to whine-cry while shaking her body, like she was having a minor seizure, with her head tossed back. *OH LE SIGH SIGH* One thing I CANNOT stand is whining. I hate it when other kids do it and I hate it more when Zoe does it. So I grabbed both of her hands into mine and said,

    Me: Zoe what do you want?
    Zoe: Wayur.
    Me: Ok fine but if you want water don’t stand there like this (I assumed her position) and go “EH EH EH EH EH EH!” Say “Water please.”
    Zoe: Wayur preash.
    Me: Ok good job Zoe. Good girl.

    Later that evening she runs over to me as I’m doing the dishes and goes “Mummy, wayur preash!”  GOOD JOB ZOE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Omg! And then about 5 minutes later she brings her empty bowl to me and goes “Umma, kaka (snacks) preash!” I was soooo proud of her. So, so, very proud. She was actually listening to me when I spoke to her that morning!

    Video One: One Man Metal Bowl Band
    A lot of people ask me what I do with Zoe during the day. Here’s one of our exciting activities:

    Riveting. I know.

    Video Two: Yo Gabba Gabba
    Zoe loves Yo Gabba Gabba and now likes to sing that one song with their names. It sounds like,
    Me: My name is Plex, Plex.
    Zoe: Puhpuhpuhpuh Prex Prex.

    You know it right? Sometimes we throw in other people’s names. We like to remix things here in Zoeland. Till I can get a video of her singing her song here’s a video where she identifies all the characters:

    Now I just have to teach her to say DJ Lance.

  • Family + A Baby Shower

    Zoe’s words: ladybug, sister, jacket, chicken, heart, panda, i sorry, boogie, poopy

    My oldest sister is prego with her 2nd child. Her first one came the same weekend we planned her shower so she never got to have one. The sisters got together to throw her one last month. My sister, Esther, came down with her daughter, Josie, for the party and stayed with us. The party was a lot of fun and so was there visit. Yesterday Zoe saw a photo of Josie on my computer and said “Josie unnie.” Her memory amazes me.

    :: 10.23.09 :: Cousins

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    :: 10.24.09 :: Sarah’s Baby Shower
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    :: 10.25.09 :: Hangin’ out
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    Zoe’s smiling dorkiness during their visit (I can’t help but laugh when I look at these):
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  • Cookie Magazine: Ming Tsai Interview

    For those of you with children who have food allergies did you see the article on Ming Tsai in August’s Cookie Magazine?
    He talked about how his oldest son used to have really bad food allergies. At 6 months they found out he was allergic to soy, wheat, dairy, shellfish, peanuts, tree nuts, and eggs. Seven of the “big 8″ foods that account for 90% of food allergies (the last was fish). Can you imagine how hard that must have been for him? Him, a chef. His wife, who was breastfeeding, had to cut all those foods out of her diet as well and when he was done with the boobie milk, they had to put him on a special formula. His son who is now 9 has outgrown almost all his allergies except for the nuts. So there is hope mamas.

    I got lucky with Zoe and so far no allergies. I’m allergic to mangos and so is my mom and some of my sisters so I’m going to hold off on giving her that till she’s much older. I’m also allergic to
    geh-jang (a Korean dish which is made up of raw crabs marinated in soy sauce) which I ate a few days ago. I just decided I’m going to suffer the consequences and devour it like the crazy biotch that I am. SOOO WORTH IT. MMMM mmm MMMMM! Afterwards my stomach was burning, my lips and tongue were itchy, and I ran to the bathroom to take care of business. Haha…TMI? Who cares! So anyways my heart goes out the mothers that have to endure this kind of thing. I can’t even fathom this. It’s already bad enough that kids are picky eaters to top it off with limited food options because of allergies must be hell! He mentioned that whenever his son would be invited to birthday parties he would bring his own cupcake. Can you imagine? I give huge props to the mommies out there that go through this with their child every day.

    Two things the Mingster recommended:
    Cherrybrook Kitchen Mixes

    Bell & Evans Chicken Tenders (Gluten Free)

    If you want to read up on his interview click here.