Month: June 2010

  • My Little Snow White

    Zoe’s Daily Funny:
    On sunday I a had a HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE headache. So I was lying on the couch and Zoe came running towards me and started to throw all the pillows on the floor and said…

    Zoe: Mommy let’s play boat.
    Me: Zoe I have a ouchie inside my head.
    Zoe: Oh. You have a ouchie in your head?
    Me: Yeah.
    Zoe: Play boat with me mommy.
    Me: Zoe my head hurts.

    She then climbs on the couch crouches next to my face touches my forehead and said…
    Zoe: Here?
    Me: Yeah.
    Zoe: I give you a bandaid.

    She then whips out a magical invisible bandaid and puts it on my head…

    Zoe: Let’s play boat mommy.
    Me: Zoe I can’t. I’m hurting.

    She then kisses me on top of my invisible bandaid and cocks her head so it’s in my face and says…

    Zoe: I kiss it. It’s all better now?
    Me: Hahhaha yes.
    Zoe: Let’s play boat!
    Me: Hahaha okay….

    How can I not play with her after that? She thinks her kisses have healing powers. Like you can break your leg and she thinks she can just come over and kiss it and you can go back to pushing her on the swing or something.

    So this pregnancy is like soooo annoying. *sigh* It’s like last week I had herpes and this week I have a hemroid. Like as in the kind where I think I need a doughnut to sit on. Haha…. Yesterday morning I laughed at something my husband said as we were about to head out the door and then I told him I had to change because I peed a little in my lederhosen. OH COME ON! GOD! GIVE ME A BREAK PLEASE! PLEASE I BEG OF YOU! Pregnant women, practice your kegels!!!! It’s no joke! I trickle when I laugh, or gag, or sneeze. SOOOO ANNOYING!

    My husband thinks I’m a hot mess. I sadly agree.

    :: 06.10.10 :: Coloring w/ New Jellies While Waiting For The Mail
    If she wears these for a long time they actually cut her around her achilles so she now has to wear them with socks. I told her it wasn’t cool to wear socks with sandals but I think she can get away with it.

    She insisted that she wear this when we went to pick up her dad at the bus stop.
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    :: 06.12.10 :: Princess Breakfast @ Paramus Children’s Museum
    First time I went to this museum. I thought it was a little ghetto. I don’t know. The girls had fun though so that’s the important thing. I have never been to Disney Land/World but I’m sure the princesses there are WAY better. This will have to do for now till we take her. We went with my friend Theresa and her daughter Chloe who’s a year older than Zoe. They love each other. Haha… Before Chloe came over I told Zoe that Chloe might be wearing a Snow White dress too. She said “No. I’M Snow White.”
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    Ok about the photo above…. hahaha. I was hoping that as soon as Zoe saw Snow White she’d start smiling and getting excited. I watched her reaction and she was staring her down! She was looking her up and down like “What DA HELL are you doing wearing MY dress?” Gongju! Snow White had some Eastern European accent.
    I thought Belle was the prettiest by far.
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  • Baby Center :: Superfoods for Kids

    Superfoods” are packed full of nutrients that have wide-ranging health benefits. Some critics think it’s misguided to focus on only a handful of healthy foods, but nobody argues that these foods pack a powerful nutritional punch.
    Bottom line? Even if you can only wrangle one of these onto your kid’s plate, you’re doing good — and you may initiate a food habit that will help your child’s health throughout her life.

    1. Avocado

    avocado halves

    The only vegetable laced with monounsaturated “good” fats that may lower “bad” LDL cholesterol that can harm the heart, avocado is also a super source of soluble fiber, which helps stabilize blood sugar. And it’s full of vitamin E, which protects your cells from free radicals.

    “Try mashing avocado with a little lime or lemon juice and yogurt and using it on quesadillas or tacos — or as a dip for raw vegetables,” suggests Jessica Seinfeld.

    2. Blueberries


    Loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants — substances that slow the body’s release of chemicals that can damage cells — blueberries can help lower cholesterol, sharpen memory, and fight certain cancers. These little fruits offer big health benefits, whether fresh or frozen.

    “I make a purple puree filled with blueberries and spinach that I add to tacos, burgers, pancakes, cookies, and brownies,” says Missy Chase Lapine. “Wild, organic, frozen blueberries are one of the most versatile nutrient-rich foods you can disguise in dishes.”

    3. Oats

    raw oats

    These mild-tasting, versatile whole grains help prevent blood sugar spikes and crashes, will keep your child feeling full, and aid in escorting bad cholesterol out of the body.

    “Serve oatmeal for breakfast,” says Chase Lapine. “The old-fashioned rolled oats, not the quick-cooking kind — they offer more fiber and longer-lasting energy. Cook them in milk, rather than water, and top with blueberries for a well-balanced start to the day.”

    4. Salmon

    raw fish

    This cold-water fish contains healthful fats known as omega-3s that can lower the risk of heart disease. These nutrients may also help improve mood and prevent memory loss.

    “Make your own fish fingers,” recommends Jennifer Iserloh. “Choose wild salmon to reduce your child’s exposure to toxic substances such as PCBs and mercury. Adults enjoy these lightly crumbed strips too.”

    5. Spinach

    washed spinach salad

    An excellent source of iron, calcium, and folic acid, along with vitamins A and C, spinach is great for growing bones and brains.

    “This versatile vegetable has a mild flavor and cooks in a flash,” notes Iserloh. “Stir it into hot soups, toss it into your tomato sauce, and tuck it into quesadillas.”

    6. Sweet Potatoes

    raw carrots

    Packed with vitamins B, C, and E, plus calcium, potassium, and iron, sweet potatoes are also rich in complex carbohydrates and fiber, which keeps digestion moving along properly.

    “Sweet potatoes are good at preventing a sugar crash, thanks to those complex carbs,” says Chase Lapine. “They also add a subtle sweetness to sneaky recipes and work hard to cut the acidity of tomato that some kids dislike in pasta sauces.”

    7. Yogurt

    ice cream

    Rich in calcium and a good source of protein, yogurt helps build strong bones and teeth. It also aids in digestion and fights bad bacteria in the gut.

    “Buy plain low-fat yogurt and add your own fresh or frozen fruit to it,” recommends Iserloh. “That way, you’ll avoid the sugar that’s in flavored yogurts. It’s so creamy and comforting that most kids go for it.”

  • Show-And-Tell Herpe

    Zoe’s Daily Funny:
    So on monday my outer upper lip was stinging a little. By evening it was puffy. By Tuesday morning it was a full out cold sore aka bad ass herpes sonofabitch. I’ve never had one before so this was my first time and I had no idea how to treat it or anything. I just know that cold sores are contagious so I was really cautious around Zoe. After work when I went to pick her up at school she was playing in the play yard outside with all the other tots. She sees me and comes running to hug me and sees my mouth, points at it and goes in a little concerned voice….

    Zoe: Mommy what is that?
    Me: It’s an ouchie.

    Zoe: What happen?

    Me: Um…a bug bit me. (this was the easiest explanation that I thought she could understand)

    Zoe: Oh. A bug bite you?
    Me: Yeah.
    Zoe: Ohhh. Are you ok?

    Me: Yeah.

    Zoe: Do you need a bandaid?
    Me: No. I’m ok. (thinking how cute she is…)

    Then the cute factor evaporated as she proceeded to turn around and yell to all her friends “Ehbreebody! My mommy has a ouchie! Look!!!” and then proceeds to point her dirty grubby finger at my face.
    Next thing you know I have like 10 kids all under the age of 3 in my face like I’m some sort of science experiement and they’re all like “Ouchie?” or “Aya ya ya?!” and pointing THEIR grubby little fingers all up in my face! And Zoe is giving all the kids a little run down…

    Zoe: A
    bug bite her. Ehbreebody no touching. It’s ouchie. My mommy says ‘No bug! No bug! (holding her hand up doing the hand motion for stop) Go away!
    Then after her big production it’s like she remembers that I told her it hurt so she turns to face me again and says “Do you need a bandaid mommy? You want me to kiss it?”

    NOT NOW AFTER YOU TOLD EVERYBODY AND THEIR MOTHER! Plus I didn’t want her to get it.

    And that is how I became her ‘show-and-tell’ item to bring into school for 5 minutes. Some kid even sneezed on my face while examining my sore. Thanks. Thanks a lot. It’s been real. Let’s not ever do this again.

    :: 05.01.10 :: Stony’s Baby Shower + Playing w/ Oliver

    After the party we headed home so Miss Zoe could take a nap before we headed off to Bayside to have dinner with the Patels. This is Oliver. Zoe talks about him from time to time still. I told her on Wednesday that daddy was coming home late because he was having dinner with Uncle Pinky, Uncle Chris, and Uncle Vaish. As soon as she heard ‘Uncle Vaish’ she said “I want to see baby Oliver.” Isn’t Oliver a cutie?! He’s Indian/Chinese and he got some BIG ASS FEET. I’m talking HUGE. You know what big feet means?! Big socks! Mmmhmm.
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  • Zoe’s Birthday Cookie Favors

    Zoe’s Daily Funny:
    Yesterday we were going up the stairs together and I was holding her right hand. After the 2nd step she turns to me and goes…

    Zoe: Picka me up mommy.
    Me: No. You’re a big girl. You can walk.
    Zoe: No picka me up mommy!
    Me: Why?
    Zoe: Because you looooooove Zoe.

    Pain in my ass!!!! I’m a sucka for sweetness. What can I say? I picked her up. How can you say no to that?

    I had forgotten to post these! For Zoe’s birthday, back in march, Lila’s mommy Angi had baked some cookie favors for our guests while sticking with the Incredibles theme. Zoe LOVED these and talked about them for a month. And not like “Hey, those cookies were really good.” More like “Can I have an Incredible cookie?” “Zoe, we finished those a month ago.” “Mommy can I have an Incredible cookie?” “Are you not hearing what I’m saying?” And then she’d start crying while slurring her speech “iwanincrehiblecookie *sob* i wanincrehiblecookie.” Dear Lord. My husband, who is rarely impressed by any of my DIY projects, was HIGHLY impressed by Angi’s cookie decorating skills. Like HIGHLY. Like as in “OKAY I GET IT! SHUT UP! nevercomplimentedmeaboutanyofmyshit.” Hahaha No but seriously, in the cookie baking and decorating department, she is The Shiznit. Oh yeah, that’s right, I still use that word even though it’s like so 90′s. I’m old school….or just old.

    If you want to place orders you can go to her site here:
    Meli + Angi


    Thank you Angi!!!!!!!!!

  • Operation Toothbrush

    Zoe’s Daily Funny:
    Yesterday Zoe and I were playing house in the family room. She put on her cupcake apron and brought over the red polka dot apron for me to wear. While I was putting it over my head she said to me in a warning tone…

    Zoe: Umma be careful of the baby.
    Me: Okay (tying around my neck)
    Zoe: Don’t push the baby. You have to be careful.
    Me: Ok (tying it around my waist)
    Zoe: Mommy careful! Don’t push the baby!

    :: 06.17.10 :: Operation Toothbrush
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    :: 06.13.10 :: The Incredibles Tent
    She loves doing this with her tent. I have no idea why. My only explanation is that she’s weird.

  • Video: Whatever!

    We practiced this for weeks…

    Omigosh….I’m so proud. Hahaha… She’s like my little protege.

  • Week 18-20

    Sorry I haven’t posted anything about my little “?”. Man. I still don’t know what to call the little booger. *sigh* So I’m now at week 20 but I’ll give you a quick recap.

    Week 18
    This is the first week I felt the baby kick. No fluttering this time around like when I was prego with Zoe. It’s just straight up kicking.This is also the week that my tailbone started to hurt. When it hurts it’s pretty bad. And it especially happens if I’ve been on my feet for a while. This SUCKS.


    Week 19
    This is the week that my belly button started to metamorphasize into something strange. This is also the week that I was on the phone with my sister and I was telling her how the 2nd time around was sooOOOO not exciting and then the little one kicked me. It felt like a jab where I groaned and held onto my desk for support. It’s LISTENIING!!!!
    Week 20
    C felt the baby kick for the first time sunday night. I think he got weirded out. But this is also the day he was holding Zoe and she was really being cute at the moment and he said “You know, i kinda want another girl.” 

    And for those of you who want to know how fat I got….
    I just weighed myself this morning. I started off at 98lbs and now I’m 111. I’ve gained 5 in about 3 weeks.

  • Dim Sumlicious!

    Zoe’s Daddy’s Funny:
    Yesterday C was lying on the couch and Zoe ran up to him, climbed on top of him, and then jumped on him I heard him say “Zoe, how are you so girly but then when you play with daddy you play all butchy?”

    :: 06.13.10 :: Dim Sum!
    I have been on the hunt for a LOCAL dim sum place. I know about Silver Pond in Fort Lee but I wasn’t impressed. I think I’ll give it another shot but I think it’s just our timing. However I did find a new spot and I really like it. Plus I LOVE the area it’s located in. It’s a nice town to walk around on a beatiful summer’s day. We usually get anything shrimp and we always get the sticky rice. Those are like the definite must haves. Zoe seemed to enjoy her first dim sum experience too.

    Dim Sum Dynasty
    75 Franklin Avenue
    Ridgewood, NJ 07450


    While we were dining it started to rain outside. However none of us wanted to go home yet so we went to their local Haagen Dazs. You know the word ‘Haagen Dazs’ doesn’t mean anything? It’s a made up word. I learned that on tv. I smartly.
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  • Memorial Day Trip :: Day Three :: Lancaster, PA

    Zoe’s Daily Funny:
    Zoe now points at stop signs and yells out “Look mommy! An octagon!!!”

    :: 05.31.10 :: Day Three :: Strasburg Railroad
    If you have a boy or just a kid that loves trains I’m sure they’ll love this place. They have one store which looked like a Thomas shrine when you walked in. For those of you with children who love Thomas you may want to time your trip so that you can be there when they have a ‘Day Out With Thomas’ scheduled. Zoe doesn’t watch Thomas but she does like trains. This was actually the hottest day out of the trip. It was just really humid and uncomfortable but Zoe was a good trooper.
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    Here is a video of her on the train singing princess songs. The first one is from Sleeping Beauty…
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  • Memorial Day Trip :: Day Two :: Lancaster, PA

    Zoe’s Daily Funny:
    I was in my home office this morning trying to edit some photos of my friend’s son before work so that she could have it before father’s day. Zoe climbed onto the chair and squeezed in behind me and the back part of the chair. She put her arms around my neck to give me a hug and her face was next to mine. So cute. Then she saw my ultrasound photos on top of the table…

    (The entire time we are having this conversation she is still hugging me while looking at the photos with her free hand)
    Zoe: Can I see the baby picture?
    Me: Sure (passing it to her)
    Zoe: Mommy do you see the baby?
    Me: Yes I see it. Do you see it?
    Zoe: Yes. The baby is soooo cute.
    Me: It is cute.
    Zoe: Mommy do you remember the baby?
    Me: Yes I remember the baby. Do you remember the baby?
    Zoe: Yes I remember. Mommy the baby kick you? (I had told her that the baby kicked me earlier this week)
    Me: Yes but I’m ok.
    Zoe: Why the baby kick you?
    Me: Oh Zoe. It’s not because the baby is bad. Sometimes babies kick cause they’re excited or happy.
    Zoe: The baby is happy?
    Me: I think so.

    Then she leans over my shoulder to get a look at my belly below and says to the belly…

    Zoe: Baby don’t kick mommy. Okay?! It’s not nice. Be good.

    :: 05.30.10 :: Day Two :: Dutch Wonderland
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    Here is the only video I took there:
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