Month: December 2010

  • Mean Mommy

    Zoe’s Daily Funny:
    She just told me she lives on a Mexican Farm.

    I don’t know what to tell ya.

    Lately I’ve been really cross with her. I’m sick, my neck went out, I’m tired, and when she doesn’t listen to me I lose it. I think for her she’s just being 2 (almost 3 really). For me I’m just like “WHY IS SHE DISOBEYING ME FOR THE BAJILLIONTH TIME!” I just got off the phone with Nancy this morning and she was telling me how every night she prays to be a better parent (meaning being more patient). I asked for that too, twice this week alone. Last night she was almost off to Lala Land when I turned to her and asked if I was mean to her. With her eyes shut she replied “Only when you’re mad.”  I felt my heart break.

    This morning while she was playing I asked her again…

    Me: Zoe, Is mommy mean to you?
    Zoe: Only when you’re mad.
    Me: I’m sorry Zoe. Ok I will be nicer ok?
    Zoe: Okay and when I don’t listen you get REALLY mad!
    Me: Hahaha ok well you should listen but I’ll be nicer ok? And when I’m being mean you tell me I’m being mean. Okay?
    Zoe: Okay

    :: 12.11.10 :: Letter to Cousin Josie

  • Update

    Zoe’s Daily Funny: Yesterday Zoe saw an unopened box of sour patch kids on my desk.

    Zoe: Can I have that?
    Me: What?
    Zoe: That (pointing at the box)
    Me: No.
    Zoe: Why?
    Me: Because I say so and that’s for mommy.
    Zoe: Mommy can I have some.
    Me: No.
    Zoe: But I want it.
    Me: No.
    Zoe: I have to have it.
    Me: HAHAHAHAHAHA Why do you have to have it?
    Zoe: I don’t know.
    Me: No.
    Zoe: I have to.
    Me: No.

    Kayden and I are both sick cause of ZOE! You’d think she’d feel bad but she’s like proud. If I start to cough…

    Zoe: Oh mommy! Why are you coughing?
    Me: Cause you got me sick.
    Zoe: Oh….that’s wonderful.

    Zoe: Oh my goodness. Why is Kayden coughing mommy?
    Me: Cause he has a cold.
    Zoe: Why?
    Me: Because you got him sick Zoe.
    Zoe: Oh great!


    :: 12.26.10 :: “Can I hold him?”

    :: 12.27.10 :: Pay attention Kayden!

  • Happy Holidays!

    I wanted to do this for a while but then I thought “I don’t have anything blue for a sky backdrop!” Then my mother sent my mother-in-law a bathing suit, swim shoes, and a BLUE towel for a present. So ON WITH THE PROJECT!

    (inspired by the kindle commercials)
    This was actually really hard cause the kids kept moving.

  • Moving?

    I’m thinking about moving here. Let me know your thoughts…

  • My 35th

    Last week was my 35th birthday. I know. Le gasp. I am old. You thought I was much younger because of my immaturity level and how I always play with children’s toys even when there are no children around? Well you’re wrong. I am thirty friggin five. For my birthday dinner day I thought I’d dress Zoe up eppuh-oh-bee shtyle to humor me for the day. Thank you Nancy eemoh for bringing this back from the mother land. Deh han friggin min gu yo.

    :: 12.04.10 :: Hottie in the Pororo Digs / Birthday Dinner
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    Oh Kayden, Kayden, Kayden… embrace it. This is your family…sucka! You stuck with us boy and I’m going to do worse things to you because you are a boy.

    In the evening we dropped the kids off at my sister-in-law’s and the hubs took me to my dinner date. You did good hun. REAL good.
    We got the $150 Omakase which apparently means “it’s up to you” in Japanese. You have a choice of either the $100, $120, or $150. The hubs asked me which one I wanted. SHIET, I’m not stupid. I know we’re never coming back here boyee! One fitty son! I forgot to take a photo of the first dish but it was toro and it was torofrigginriffic! However it was only two bites worth. My husband was taking his time savoring his meal and taking in the essence of each dish. I, on the otherhand would house it down like a homeless person who was just given one fry and wait for the next course impatiently talking about how we would have to hit up a Shake Shack for a burger afterwards. I think I talked about Shake Shack after each course till we hit the 5th one. I took a photo of each dish. My husband apologized to the table next to us because my flash would go off after I would take each photo. Hahaha. I just said “We’re only on the 3rd course so it’s gonna go off about 6 more times. Haha!” By the time dinner was over I no longer craved for a Shake Shack burger.

    Thank you hun! I love you. This was THE best birthday dinner ever!!! Oh and thank you for my push/birthday/christmas present!!!! Say herro to mah new prend!

  • Cute Video

    My sister sent this to me. I love fathers who go into really cute dorky mode for their kids. I love this video! Thanks Nancy for sending this to me.

    Here is the mother’s blog (link).

  • Ads

    Since it’s the weekend I thought I’d post up 2 of my favorite ads…

    The Smart Water ad inspires me to get my ass back in shape like Miss Jennifer. I’ve lost 18lbs since the baby. Idealy I’d like to get to 105 and call it a day but I definitely want to tone up. Your belly most definitely does not look the way it used to after 2 kids.

    And I love the milk ad with Rebecca Romijn and her twin babies. Aren’t they really cute? They look like lil cherubs.
    jenniferanistonsmartwaterad milk_ad

  • Random Photos

    :: 10.30.10 :: Happy Halloween!
    Zoe went as Cinderella, the bride.
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    Here’s a photo from last year I never posted…
    HK Photo Booth-1

    :: 11.10.10 :: Helping Halmeh
    My mom sometimes folds a tissue into a square and puts it on her nose because the weight of her glasses hurt her nose. Zoe was trying to assist her here.

    :: 11.14.10 :: A Day w/ Zoe
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  • Hangin’ w/ More Cousins

    Zoe’s Daily Funny:
    We were in the car last week and Zoe was sitting in her car seat watching The Little Mermaid II. Out of the blue in this little wistful voice she said…

    Zoe: I wish, I wish, I wish I was a  mermaid like Ariel and Melody.
    Me: …???…okayyyyyy….
    Hubs: Oh yeah Zoe? Well Daddy wishes he were a billionare but we don’t always get what we want.

    :: 11.27.10 :: Meet Up Grandma’s House for Kayla’s 1st
    I said “Cousins. Stay still, smile, and look at me.” Clearly the boys zoned me out.
    (L-R: Owen, Josie, Ellis, and Zoe)

  • Cookies & Bugles

    Zoe’s Daily Funny:
    Yesterday after school Zoe had just gotten done poopin’ in the potty. So I went in to wipe her butt and help her pull her jeans back on. She goes…

    Zoe: Mommy why is Kayden gonna say “Wow!(<–She gasped this part) Noona is a big girl because she poopy in the potty?
    Me: I don’t know. Is that what he’s going to say?
    Zoe: (nodding) Yes. Why’s he going to be so happy mommy and say “Wow! Isn’t noona wonderful?”
    Me: Um…because you’re a big girl
    Zoe: Oh.

     She just likes to hear it. Hahaha. I won’t rain on her ‘big girl’ parade.

    :: 11.19.10 :: Angie Eemoh’s Visit
    Angie you’re so talented.
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    :: 11.23.10 :: Cookies & Bugles