Month: May 2011

  • Video: The 2 Things Zoe Can Spell

    Last thursday, as I was getting ready for work, Zoe asked me to play with her. She had her Ariel and Prince Eric figurines in her hand (most likely I was going to be assigned Eric). So I said…

    Me: Zoe I can’t play with you right now. I have to get ready for work and then I have to go downstairs and make food for you.
    Zoe: Can you play with me later?
    Me: Ok if I finish everything on time.

    So she played with her figurines by herself on our bed. Kayden had also just woken up and was lying at the head of our bed so I went over to him and started making clicking noises with my tongue to see if he’d smile for me (the whole night before he was feeling off with the whole ear infection and didn’t even crack a smile for us no matter how hard we tried). He turned his head towards me and smiled. Zoe then goes…

    Zoe: You can play with Kayden but you can’t play with me?

    She didn’t say it in a accusatory tone. Just said it like she would ask a regular question. But it caught me a little off-guard. Kids are so perceptive aren’t they? A little piece of my heart broke to hear her even ask me that or even think it. So I said…

    Me: Awww Zoe, I’m not playing with Kayden either. I have to get ready for work but remember he was really sick and yesterday he didn’t even want to smile for his family because he was feeling so terrible so I was just checking to see if he would smile for mommy. Okay?
    Zoe: Mmhmm…can I play the iPad?

    And just like that, her 5 second attention span clicks in on the next subject.
    I told my mom about this story and how it made me sad that she had even asked me something like that and she chuckled saying how Zoe was soooo much like me when I was little and she said I had asked the same question. She said she didn’t remember the situation but just remembers that I had asked something similar to that and she said it always stuck with her because she said she too had felt really bad.

    So Zoe can spell 2 things.

    She learned it from watching Ponyo. I didn’t teach her this.

  • Video: Monsters, and Ghoses, and Bon Bon’s, and Sugar

    This is the video I spoke about a few days ago. Zoe and I had just finished reading a bedtime story and I had just shut off the lights. So the video is black but you can hear us talking. Sometimes when she starts a sentence I know it may get interesting so I’ll tell her to wait while I go get my camera and then I’ll always ask her to repeat herself. You can follow along to with what we say below.

    What did you say Zoe?
    I said nobody would, woulda, I said nobody can take you
    Cause I love you
    You love me?
    I love you
    I won’t let I won’t let anybody take you away
    Away from where
    Away from our house
    And I won’t let monsters or ghoses never take you away
    You won’t let monsters or what?
    Or ghoses, or bugs, or antses won’t get you
    Or ants?
    Alright, you’re gonna protect me?
    Ahbah will save us
    Ahbah’s gonna save us? I thought you said you were gonna protect me?
    Ahba’s gonna save us and nobody will take us
    And he’s strong he won’t get anybody get if there’s monsters or ghoses he won’t save.
    if there’s monsters or ghoses?
    Oh ok
    So we can’t near those right?
    We can’t near those
    we can’t near those?
    Yeah we can’t be near those
    Cause then they’re gonna bite you
    They, they’re mean right?
    They’re mean and they could bite you
    Yeah but ahpah’s gonna protect us right?
    He’s strong right?
    And he thought he would, he would he, he’s gonna talk to them right?
    What’s he gonna say to them?
    He gonna say “Don’t talk on mommy and daddy! Why you getting them, why?”
    And then what are the monsters gonna say?
    They’re gonna say “*gasp* You’re so bigger than mommy!”
    Uh huh and then?
    Then he’s gonna be strong to !&($@^($*#&(^)^^&*(&(&(
    He’s gonna be strong to kill monsters &(&_&^*%%(*(^*(
    He’s gonna be strong to carry m and m’s
    He’s gonna be strong to carry m and m’s?
    Oh. Are you talking about candy?
    I just talking about ahbah
    Oh ok
    He’s strong to carry a lot of m and m’s
    Yeah he is strong to carry a lot of m and m’s.
    Like bon bon’s or…
    Bon bon’s or…
    Or fruit snacks…
    Fruit snacks…
    Or um lollipops…
    Or sugar…
    And pocksickles…
    Uh huh
    I love pocksicles
    You could taste, you could taste some my pocksickle
    Thanks Zoe
    I will share it
    You’ll gonna share it with me?
    I’m gonna share it with all my families
    With all your families?
    That’s very nice of you
    I’m gonna buy it for all my cousins
    You’re gonna buy popsicles for all our cousins?
    Do you have money?
    How you gonna buy it if you don’t have money?
    I’m gonna, I’m gonna pick one and ahbah, ahbah’s gonna make money
    Ahbah’s gonna make money?
    He’s gonna buy it for you?
    And I’m gonna carry it
    And one for Isabella unnie, and Hannah unnie, and Josie unnie, and Ellis, and um who else?
    Owen, Kayla
    Owen and Kayla that’s all your cousins
    Yeah and Josie unnie
    Oh yeah and Josie unnie
    You already said ellis
    Yeah. Oh is that it?

  • First Ear Infection

    Zoe’s Daily Funny:
    Yesterday the hubs was going to run out to do some grocery shopping. He goes…

    Curly: Zoe, do you want to go out with me?
    Zoe: Are you gonnna buy me a new toy?

    Oy vey. So yesterday afternoon I called the hubs (who stayed home with Kayden) to see how Kayden was doing. He said he only drank about 5 oz all day since like 6am. So I decided to call the doctor’s office. We went in for a 4:30 and it turns out that lil fatty has an ear infection. Zoe NEVER had one. Well I remember the doctor checking her ear once and saying “ You know she had an ear infection but it’s almost done healing?” We didn’t know because she wasn’t really fussy. But other than that nothing. So this is a new illness for me. God it never ends with these kids.  So he’s pretty much stopped eating as well which probably means that fat baby Keira may catch up to Kayden in weight in our “whose baby is fatter” competition that I have going with Angie. DAMNIT! Hahaha. He also gave us the ok to give K ibuprofen. YAY! The hubs and I think Tylenol sucks. Motrin worked so well with Zoe whenever she would get a temperature. We gave him some amoxicillin before going to bed. He hated it. Shocking. I swear if this kid could talk he’d be cursing his head off at us. Hahaha… I need to videotape his I-hate-this-friggin-medicine face.

    {05.09.11} Kayden’s Hanbok
    My mil just got back from Korea and brought back Kayden’s Hanbok to wear for his Dohl. It’s gorgeous and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the colors. However it is like for a 4yr old. Haha…

  • Fluff

    Zoe’s Daily Funny:
    Last night I had just finished reading Zoe a bedtime story and had turned off the lights. I always say “Hey, what about my good night bohboh (kiss)?” And then she always finds my face and kisses me. Last night I forgot to ask and she turns to me in the dark and kisses me on my cheek and says…

    Zoe: I love you.
    Me: I love you too. Zoe why do you love me?

    Then she cups my face in her hands and says…

    Zoe: I won’t let anyone take you away.
    Me: Like who?
    Zoe: Like monsters, and ghoses (ghosts), and bugs, and ants.

    Alrighty then. I actually recorded the conversation. I’ll see if I can post it later.

    The husband requested that I NOT post a photo of his fluffy do. Hahaha He cracks me up. Yesterday he came home and he was telling me about his boss, Dan, who sits right next to him. He’s like the type of guy you can shoot the shit with. He said that Dan told him he couldn’t look at him and if he did he felt nauseous. Hahahahaha. A man perm will do that to those around you. My husband also told me the most random thing. It was sunday evening and he was in the kitchen and I was sitting at the dining room table and just out of the blue he blurts out…

    Hubs: You know when I was in 6th grade the teacher asked everyone what they wanted to be when they grew up and I told her I wanted to be a porn star.

    Sorry your childhood dream didn’t come true. Maybe in your next life Curly. RANDOM.

    Today I am SUPER tired. Apparently Kayden was really fussy yesterday afternoon at school. The last full bottle he had was at 10:30am and by the time I picked him up at around 5:30 he only had about an ounce since. I heard him crying the second I walked into the school. He saw me and he started to do this cry-laugh thing. By 9:30 at night he had a temperature of over 102. We gave him some generic acetaminophin and he was gagging and crying cause he hated it so much and kept dry heaving. Omigod he’s so dramatic. I remember Zoe loved medicine! The only medicine she took that she hated was cherratussin. He went back down to sleep after drinking only a few ounces. By 12:30 he was up again and fussy. I checked his temp again and now it was at 102.6 but it was still too early to give him a 2nd dose so I just got a wet towel to cool him down and he hated that too. I can’t go to sleep knowing that one of my kids are burning up so I stayed up till 3:30 so that I could give him some more medicine. After that was all done at 3:40 I decided to move into Zoe’s room and sleep with her to get a full 2 1/2 hours of sleep before waking up for work. She kept crying out in her sleep like she was dreaming about something bad so I just kep caressing her arms and holding her hand so she knew I was with her and that she didn’t have to be scared and that seemed to help her fall back into a deep sleep. Man, my life sucks. Haha.

    {05.12.11} Fluff
    So we saw Despicable Me many many times already and I thought it would be nice to get Zoe a unicorn so I started hunting. They
    sell the unicorn doll that Gru won for Agnes but I didn’t think it looked that cute. Dude when hunting for a unicorn doll I’m telling you, it’s slim pickings. So the closest thing to being cute was the Luvvies brand. So I surprised her and gave it to her. I was surprised at just HOW MUCH she loved it. She named him Fluff and was automatically bumped up to her VIP entourage. He goes EVERYWHERE Pink and Blue go. It’s the 3 of them now. She now wants a mermaid, a non-Ariel one.

  • Poor Daddy.

    Zoe’s Daily Funny:
    The hubs went out and decided to get a hair cut………..and a perm. (Don’t laugh. He said he needed some “body.”)

    Here are the reactions he got from his supportive family:
    His mother: You ruined your face.
    Me: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you look like an ajuhmah
    Kayden: (could not care less and was more interested in his fist)
    Zoe’s: It’s ugly.

    Yesterday the hubs and I were hanging out in the dining room when Zoe woke up from her nap. We heard footsteps above us and then we heard her bawling which was unusual. So I ran up and opened her door and she was right on the other side of it. I sat in her chair and held her as she continued to cry on my shoulder. I asked her what was wrong and she was struggling to talk since she was still crying. After I calmed her down I asked her again…

    Zoe: I woke up and I was all by myself and then I went to the door and I couldn’t open it. So I cried because of that.

    I was surprised at how upset she was. It’s like so small to an adult but it’s like the end of the world to a toddler. I think she couldn’t open the door because her palms were sweaty and it was slippery so I promised her I would never close her door again and that I would leave it open a crack.

    Price of Pocahontas & John Smith doll………………………………………………………………….$20.00.
    Price to see a smile on Zoe’s face even though you bribed her to go out with you….Priceless.

    IMG_2099-1   Daddy’s such a sucker.

  • My Mother’s Day

    I know this is late but oh well. Happy belated Mother’s Day to all the wonderful mothers out there!

    {05.08.11} Mother’s Day
    Woke up Sunday morning and took a nice stroll to the diner in our neighborhood for breakfast.
    IMG_2084            IMG_2083-1

    Later the hubs and Zoe gave me a card. Zoe took all the credit for the card and the money the hubs threw in for me to go shopping.

    I’m pretty sure the husband helped with the drawing.

  • Angry Birds

    Zoe’s Daily Funny:
    Zoe and her dad just came home from ballet and they were just hanging out while I was cleaning up the downstairs family room. All of a sudden he goes…

    Hubs: Zoe come on let’s go out. I’ll buy you a new toy.
    Zoe: No
    Hubs: Wow. I’m really sad that I have to bribe her to hang out with me.
    Me: Hahaha SO sad.

    She still refused and I told her he’d buy her a new toy. She wanted the Pocahontas and John Smith dolls to add to her collection. I told her he didn’t know what toys these were and if he went by himself he’d probably end up buying her a car toy. So she decided to go so that he didn’t mess up her order.

    As they were leaving I was standing in front of our front door and Zoe turns around and goes…

    Zoe: I’ll miss you. (Hubs in the background goes ”Oh my God!” We igored him.)
    Me: I’ll miss you too. I’m not gonna cry cause I know you’ll be back. (holding back a fake whimper)
    Zoe: Don’t cry. I’ll be back soon. Just sit here on the step and wait for me.
    Me: Um here?
    Zoe: Yes.
    Me: Outside?
    Zoe: Yes. Just wait for me here. On the step. Don’t move.
    Me: Ok, cause I have nothing else to do but to wait for you.
    Zoe: Ok. Don’t cry mama.

    {05.13.11} Siblings & Angry Birds

  • Libraries & Books

    Zoe’s Daily Funny:
    Zoe was playing with her Ariel figurines in our bed one morning this past weekend. Her father comes in and give her a big hug from behind. She tries to push his arms away and with and exasperated sigh she goes…

    Zoe: Apah! You’re making me nuts!

    This morning we were going down the stairs and she was right behind me and said…

    Zoe: When I grow up I wanna be a mommy too! (she was blushing for some reason and she did this embarrassed giggle)
    Me: Oh yeah? That’s great. I bet you’re gonna be a great mom. Are you gonna have babies?
    Zoe: Yeah when I’m big like you.
    Me: Oh yeah how many?
    Zoe: One and Kayden is going to be in my belly too.
    Me: Oh well it doesn’t work like that.
    Zoe: Why?
    Me: Because Kayden is mommy’s baby and when you have a baby it will be a totally different baby in your belly. It will be your own special baby. And you can name him whatever you want. You don’t have to name him Kayden.
    Zoe: I’m gonna name him Xavier.
    Me: Oh really?! I would love that!

    Just in case you don’t know Xavier was the name that I picked for Kayden that Zoe and her father VETOED. I was totally aiming for the end of the alphabet when it came to naming the kids. I would have called him Professor for short. It’s sweet that she remembered the name.

    Zoe got her first library card! I’m so excited, way more than she is. The last time I felt like this was when we went to the Yo Gabba Gabba Live show. Once again, WAY more excited than she was. Anyways back to the library card! I miss going to the library. In elementary school I loved going to the library. I even remember my first school, Hancock Elementary (which is no longer there by the way) and I remember we made butter out of cream that was inside a jar and I remember we all took turns shaking the jar. And I remember some teacher brought in her pet boa constrictor and we all took turns petting it. *sigh* And I remember after they shut down that school I started going to Gwyn-Nor Elementary and I remember the librarian’s name, Mrs Atwood and how she had a crush on Tom Selleck. I remember her being really pretty with lots of freckles. I used to just stare at all her freckles. How I remember this I really don’t know. Then the new librarian came along and I think her name was Mrs Gauche. But she was short, chubby with big ajoomah boobies, and she had 2 pet ferrets which was ironic because ferrets love to chew on books apparently (this is what she told us).  Not only that but every summer there was a program that they’d do in our school district to promote reading and you get this library card and can use it at ANY of the elementary schools in our district so we’d go to ALL of them EVERY week. My dad was all about us reading. So we’d have piles of library books at home each week and there were 4 of us in elementary school at one time so that’s a whole lotta borrowed books! AND THEN my dad also signed us up at our local Public library and we’d go to that as well.  *sigh* Ah the memories… and I’m so fond of all of them. I really am. Libraries remind me of my father and just how he really wanted us to love reading. The endless rows of books, the crinkling sound of the clear book jackets, the mossy smell of old pages, the card catalog system (although I heard a lot of places are getting rid of these?), Caldecott Medal stamped books (love), the Dewey Decimal system (is that even still around?)… So nostalgic! Don’t you love that feeling that you get when you reminisce? It’s a shame though. I haven’t read a book in so long unless you count all the books Zoe makes me read her. But I mean an adult book, like Harry Potter (hahaha it is too adult!). I have had the last book since I was pregnant with Zoe and I still have yet to read it!

    Anyways I think Zoe will really enjoy it. I’ve been working on expanding her collection of books. It’s an ongoing process. The hubs and I made this new rule which is NO MORE PRINCESS BOOKS. She goes a little psycho overboard any time she sees any of the Disney Princesses on a cover of a book. Now we have to buy unisex books so that Kayden can like them too. Haha… Seriously enough. Do you know how many books she has based on the movie Tangled? She’s got like 5. Don’t look at me ok? People bought them for her. I bought her ONE and that’s because I didn’t even go to the theater to see it with her so I figure I’d buy her a book and then that way I would get to know the story too as I read it to her. But going back to the princess thing… she’s got the books, the dresses, the dolls… You’ve got your looks! You’re pretty face. And don’t underestimate the importance of body language! HA! Sorry, I went into mermaid mode. Do you do that too? Go into a conversation and then end up singing a song from The Little Mermaid? You’re weird if you don’t. I know you do it Jeenie! Which reminds me, I was having a Peter Pan moment this week where I flashbacked to when I was like 7 and my sisters and I used to LOVE sliding down the stairs on cardboard boxes. I swear I think I’ll be  like forever 7. Which also reminds of this one time at band camp… Actually this one time Zoe was sitting on her bedroom floor and I told her to put on her pants. I look over at her and she put both of her legs in one pant leg and said excitedly “Look at me mama! I’m a mermaid!” Omigod. I almost teared. I USED TO DO THAT TOO! My little protégé. I SHO PROUD (singing in my opera voice)! I swear when I look at Zoe it’s like looking at me. She reminds me so much of myself. Down to the things she hates to eat to the way she talks, her sassiness, the things she does. My mom says she’s “just like you when you were little”. She thinks it’s uncanny and I really see it. Like if I tell her to do something and she holds up her hand in a “talk to the palm” type of manner and says “OKAY BOSSY OKAY CALM DOWN!” I like roll my eyes but I deep down I’m thinking “HOLY SMOKES BATMAN! THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT I WOULD SAY! TO THE BATCAVE!” Hahaha…. And every now and then I hear her talking to her friends saying “Um excuse me! Excuse me hello?” Hahaha cracks me up. Hello? Totally ME. I’m really enjoying her now because if she is like me then I know I will hate her later so I must take it all in now before she turns into the “rebellious me”.

    So onto my 2 recent book finds…

    :: The Magic Stone ::
    I remember from a few of my previous posts that every time I’d write about Zoe’s books or post photos of her growing collection of books at least one person would write to get her Stone Soup. And I’d think, “that sounds so familiar.” However whenever I would Google the book (there are a few different versions out there now) NONE of them looked familiar to me. So then I bought her the
    Marcia Brown version thinking maybe this was it. But the whole time I’m looking at the illustrations I knew it wasn’t. The version I remember started off with a vagabond and he comes upon an old lady and asks her for a place to stay and when he asks her for something to eat she told him she had nothing to eat and so the story of stone soup begins. And then one day I FOUND IT! I saw the illustrations and got excited! The version I read was called The Magic Stone. The author is Fran Hunia and the illustrator is Martin Aitchison. His illustrations are beautiful! Which also brings me to the next book I found after MUCH research.

    The Magic Paintbrush
    I have been looking for this stupid book foh-eh-vuh, foh-eh-vuh, foh-eh-vuh! Did anyone see The Sandlot?
    Anyways I can’t remember if I read this book or if I saw it on Reading Rainbow but I loved this story! I read the version by Demi but I just remember the illustrations being more elaborate? I was searching for a while and then gave up. I saw the
    Demi version at Zoe’s school on the couch in the lobby when I dropped her off one morning last week and asked the Grandmother in the nursery room if I could take it and bring it back at the end of the day. She looked at me funny and said “For Zoe?” I said “No. For me.” And then she started to laugh at me like what kind of a grown ass woman reads children books without her children kind of laugh. Sticks and stones halmohni. Sticks and stones. Anyways a few of the pages were ripped out (damnit kids!). And so began my search ONCE AGAIN for the book that is The Magic Paintbrush which when I find it will have illustrations where I will say “I PINDING! I ROOKING POR YOU RONG TIME! SHUCKSHESS ISH MINE!” And then 2 weeks ago I PINDING! I ROOKING POR YOU RONG TIME! SHUCKSHESS ISH MINE!” I saw the illustrations online and was like SHIVER ME TIMBERS! This is it! (You know shiver me timbers in French is diable m’emporte? Just in case you didn’t know. I Googled it). It’s been in front of my face this whole time whenever I would do a google search but I never bothered clicking on the image. Like duh. Coulda saved me a lot of time. Now I know and knowing is half the battle. *fist in the air stance* G. I. Joe! I actually found this book FIRST which led me to further probe into the illustrator which is how I found The Magic Stone! You see? Same illustrator. The stars were aligned in my universe that day and the book gods were smiling down at me!  Yahoo! Anyways these books are hard to find because they were published by a London based Publishing company. I found them used online in the states each for under 10 bucks.  I’ve read the Magic Paintbrush to Zoe 6x already. I don’t know if you guys have ever experienced this but my mommy mission was to find this book, which I did, I read it to her, and when I got to the end of the book I was thinking “Wow I don’t remember this but the ending kinda sucks!” Hahaha I hyped it up so much in my mind.  Man. I hate when that happens.

    I am on a hunt for another story though. Apparently it’s about a Chinese Cinderella. I saw this when I was little on CBS Storybreak one Saturday morning. Do you remember that show?!! I loved it! I also loved watching the Menudos but we’ll save that for a rainy day. So basically it’s pretty much the same theme only it’s based in China and the fairy Godmother is really a goldfish who actually gets killed and eaten by the stepmother. I know. Morbid. You know the Chinese. They’re not about candy coatin’ it. They just tell it like it is. Hahaha Hardcore yo. Anyhoots I found a book that I’m thinking of buying. Does anyone else know this story?


  • NY Times Article: FDA Panel to Consider Warnings for Artificial Food Colorings

    { by Gardiner Harris } Direct link here.

    WASHINGTON — After staunchly defending the safety of artificial food colorings, the federal government is for the first time publicly reassessing whether foods like Jell-O, Lucky Charms cereal and Minute Maid Lemonade should carry warnings that the bright artificial colorings in them worsen behavior problems like hyperactivity in some children.

    The Food and Drug Administration concluded long ago that there was no definitive link between the colorings and behavior or health problems, and the agency is unlikely to change its mind any time soon. But on Wednesday and Thursday, the F.D.A. will ask a panel of experts to review the evidence and advise on possible policy changes, which could include warning labels on food.

    The hearings signal that the growing list of studies suggesting a link between artificial colorings and behavioral changes in children has at least gotten regulators’ attention — and, for consumer advocates, that in itself is a victory.

    In a concluding report, staff scientists from the F.D.A. wrote that while typical children might be unaffected by the dyes, those with behavioral disorders might have their conditions “exacerbated by exposure to a number of substances in food, including, but not limited to, synthetic color additives.”

    Renee Shutters, a mother of two from Jamestown, N.Y., said in a telephone interview on Tuesday that two years ago, her son Trenton, then 5, was having serious behavioral problems at school until she eliminated artificial food colorings from his diet. “I know for sure I found the root cause of this one because you can turn it on and off like a switch,” Ms. Shutters said.

    But Dr. Lawrence Diller, a behavioral pediatrician in Walnut Creek, Calif., said evidence that diet plays a significant role in most childhood behavioral disorders was minimal to nonexistent. “These are urban legends that won’t die,” Dr. Diller said.

    There is no debate about the safety of natural food colorings, and manufacturers have long defended the safety of artificial ones as well. In a statement, the Grocery Manufacturers Association said, “All of the major safety bodies globally have reviewed the available science and have determined that there is no demonstrable link between artificial food colors and hyperactivity among children.”

    In a 2008 petition filed with federal food regulators, the Center for Science in the Public Interest, a consumer advocacy group, argued that some parents of susceptible children do not know that their children are at risk and so “the appropriate public health approach is to remove those dangerous and unnecessary substances from the food supply.”

    The federal government has been cracking down on artificial food dyes for more than a century in part because some early ones were not only toxic but were also sometimes used to mask filth or rot. In 1950, many children became ill after eating Halloween candy containing Orange No. 1 dye, and the F.D.A. banned it after more rigorous testing suggested that it was toxic. In 1976, the agency banned Red No. 2 because it was suspected to be carcinogenic. It was then replaced by Red No. 40.

    Many of the artificial colorings used today were approved by the F.D.A. in 1931, including Blue No. 1, Yellow No. 5 and Red No. 3. Artificial dyes were developed — just as aspirin was — from coal tar, but are now made from petroleum products.

    In the 1970s, Dr. Benjamin Feingold, a pediatric allergist from California, had success treating the symptoms of hyperactivity in some children by prescribing a diet that, among other things, eliminated artificial colorings. And some studies, including one published in The Lancet medical journal in 2007, have found that artificial colorings might lead to behavioral changes even in typical children.

    The consumer science group asked the government to ban the dyes, or at least require manufacturers to include prominent warnings that “artificial colorings in this food cause hyperactivity and behavioral problems in some children.”

    Citizen petitions are routinely dismissed by the F.D.A. without much comment. Not this time. Still, the agency is not asking the experts to consider a ban during their two-day meeting, and agency scientists in lengthy analyses expressed skepticism about the scientific merits of the Lancet study and others suggesting any definitive link between dyes and behavioral issues. Importantly, the research offers almost no clue about the relative risks of individual dyes, making specific regulatory actions against, say, Green No. 3 or Yellow No. 6 almost impossible.

    The F.D.A. scientists suggested that problems associated with artificial coloring might be akin to a peanut allergy, or “a unique intolerance to these substances and not to any inherent neurotoxic properties” of the dyes themselves. As it does for peanuts and other foods that can cause reactions, the F.D.A. already requires manufacturers to disclose on food labels the presence of artificial colorings.

    A spokeswoman for General Mills refused to comment. Valerie Moens, a spokeswoman for Kraft Foods Inc., wrote in an e-mail that all of the food colors the company used were approved and clearly labeled, but that the company was expanding its “portfolio to include products without added colors,” like Kool-Aid Invisible, Capri Sun juices and Kraft Macaroni and Cheese Organic White Cheddar.

    The panel will almost certainly ask that more research on the subject be conducted, but such calls are routinely ignored. Research on pediatric behaviors can be difficult and expensive to conduct since it often involves regular and subjective assessments of children by parents and teachers who should be kept in the dark about the specifics of the test. And since the patents on the dyes expired long ago, manufacturers have little incentive to finance such research themselves.

    Popular foods that have artificial dyes include Cheetos snacks, Froot Loops cereal, Pop-Tarts and Hostess Twinkies, according to an extensive listing in the consumer advocacy group’s petition. Some grocery chains, including Whole Foods Market and Trader Joe’s, refuse to sell foods with artificial coloring.

  • Friday Funny: Why I Am Now Divorced

    Last week was my birthday and I didn’t feel very well waking up on that morning.

    I went downstairs for breakfast hoping my husband would be pleasant and say,
    ‘Happy Birthday!’, and possibly have a small present for me.

    As it turned out, he barely said good morning, let alone ‘ Happy Birthday.’

    I thought…. Well, that’s marriage for you, but the kids…. they will remember.

    My kids came bounding down stairs to breakfast and didn’t say a word..

    So when I left for the office, I felt pretty low and somewhat despondent.

    As I walked into my office, my handsome Boss Steve, said,
    ‘Good Morning, lady, and by the way Happy Birthday! ‘

    It felt a little better that at least someone had remembered.

    I worked until one o’clock, when Steve knocked on my door and said,
    ‘You know, It’s such a beautiful day outside, and it is your Birthday,
    what do you say we go out to lunch, just you and me..’

    I said, ‘Thanks, Steve, that’s the greatest thing I’ve heard all day. Let’s go!’

    We went to lunch.
    But we didn’t go where we normally would go.
    He chose instead a quiet bistro with a private table.
    We had two martinis each and I enjoyed the meal tremendously.

    On the way back to the office, Steve said,
    ‘You know, It’s such a beautiful day… We don’t need to go straight back to the office, do We?’

    I responded, ‘I guess not. What do you have in mind?’
    He said, ‘Let’s drop by my place, it’s just around the corner.’

    After arriving at his house, Steve turned to me and said,
    ‘If you don’t mind, I’m going to step into the bedroom for just a moment. I’ll be right back.’
    ‘Ok.’ I nervously replied.

    He went into the bedroom and, after a couple of minutes,
    he came out carrying a huge birthday cake
    Followed by my husband, my kids, and dozens of my friends and co-workers,
    all singing ‘Happy Birthday‘.

    And I just sat there….

    On the couch…. Naked.