June 13, 2009

  • Highly Recommended Mop

    Thank you to Sooae + Chabuki!!! The book is called The Great Blueness & Other Predicaments. You have no idea how long I have been looking for this book! Thank you so much!!!

    So this isn’t baby related but I thought I’d share this since I just tested it out and LUHBEET! For you ocd freak of natures *SOOAE* this mop is amazing. It just glides and it’s sooo easy to use and when you’re done you just pop the microfiber cloth off and throw it in the wash. I have the Swiffer Wet Jet and honestly I think it sucks ass. Like S.U.C.K.S  A.S.S. Like as in S.U.C.K.S  A.S.S. Do you see what I’m trying to tell you? This, however, is amazing. I went over my gf’s house for a playdate and she raved about this and had me test it out on her floor. I was sold. Sooae, my dear…I know you like to kick it old school with a rag and getting down all fours but trust me on this. Your ocd ass will LOVE it. I got it for like $13 or $14 at Target. And there are lots of microfiber mops out but this one is like awesomest of the awesomes and I don’t talk about cleaning supplies unless I’m SUPER impressed which is like never.

    Scotch Brite Microfiber Hardwood Floor Mop
          scotchbritemop     swiffer

Comments (20)

  • you know that is similar to what the germans use…but does it have a lever where you can collapse the mop part to drain the water….?  I can’t tell you whether it does or not….if so, that is really awesome…they even have a bucket where you can drain the residue…is that book a childrens novel?..if sooae recommanded it, then it must be good………what is it about?.,…anyway, thats for the recommandation…keep it coming…

  • thank you so much for this review! hubs and i were just talking about replacing our sucky swiffer mop. it really sucks and does not work. i stopped using it and just clean our floors ajumma style. although this method works, it does a number on my back. gonna look for the scotch mop!

  • thanks for sharing. I have the swiffer wet jet too and it SUCKSS big time. I will definitely be making a trip to target tomorrow just for this. Thanks again! 

  • ALL RIGHT! I’m SOLD! Nuthin’ gets me more excited than cleaning products…..plus were you reading my mind? Did you know I was actually looking for something like a swiffer to use on our patio! We just converted our patio deck into a new outdoor playzone for Chloe. It’s soo cool but the bad news is I have to clean more- I gotta sanitize and mop like every other day to keep the germies away. I’m getting this tomorrow at our Target run. Imma try it out on our hardwood floors first, and if i don’t think the aftermath is as great as getting down on the floor ajumma style, I’ll just use it on outdoorplayarea. THanks girl!!!! btw i LOVE LOVE LOVE all your product reviews

  • Yeah that swiffer mop sucks big time, but I do love the swiffer vacuum though!

  • i’ll let the housekeeper know. just keeeeding.

  • Oohh.. I’m OCD.. Only when I want to. I think I’m lazy, but my mind is very OCD. What the right? Anyhoo.. I’m shocked the swifer doesn’t work. I did hate how the sheets would come off, though I haven’t used the wet jet version. gotcha! Next time.. the scotch brite! You’re too cool for school! Yikes… this mommy made a “Sul-Lung” joke. ayy-yaah!

  • thanks so much for the tip! just your product endorsement has me sold! i absolutely HATE to get down and wipe the floors ahjuma style…i guess that’s why i rarely do it and let my wet swiffer do it (not very good though) so i’ve been casually looking for a mop. thanks so much for the tip! you should work for an ad firm. :)

  • dude i’ve been looking for something like this! i don’t have hardwood floors but i always have to mop my kitchen and bathroom floors ajuma style and been wondering if any mops out there REALLY work! i’m so going to get this tom. thanks man!!! btw, i too, like sooae get SUPER DUPER excited about cleaning products!

  • dammit!  now i’m going to have to try it!  know why?  because i have the the swiffer wet jet too and it is very much THE SUCKS!

  • @babymomof2 - there’s no lever to squeeze the water because there isn’t that much water on it to begin with. maybe i should do a video demo?

  • ugh. i hate the swiffer wet jet too. i’m glad to know i’m not the only one who hates it! thanks for the reco.  

  • So, is there a spray cleaner that goes with it?  I’ve heard good things about the steam vacs, how would this compare to that?

  • I need a good mop too. The swiffers just ain’t cutting it!!! Aargh. I need to get my butt to target asap…

  • @Our_Special_Day - no there isn’t and i don’t know anything about steam vacs. i don’t own one.

  • i think i may get that! i HATE hte swiffer wet jet.  it doesn’t work, and my floors are in dire need of being cleaned.  DIRE.  

  • video demo!! video demo!!

  • i went to target and got one today! i just tried it and i like it alot!!! thank you!!!!

  • @haeun1213 - you just like it? i LOVE EET. it glides sooo well.

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