June 15, 2009
Family Time: In Englewood
Father’s day is coming up and I have no idea what to get the hubs. Do you guys know what you’re giving your baby’s daddy?
On another note I just ended up paying $130 ticket for talking on the cell while driving. BOO!
So every weekend we try to have family time. I love it cause it’s just nice spending quality time with the 3 of us. So a few weeks ago we spent some time walking around dowtown Englewood (NJ).
:: 05.30.09 :: Our day in Englewood + Dinner at the cousin’s
Then it was off to have dinner at the in-laws’And once we got home she had a lil melt down before bedtime.
Other than that the day was great.
Comments (21)
$130 bucks for a ticket is crazy. How were the cupcakes? I try to stay away from frosting thats an inch thick. Zoe’s crying face is a classic.
Gees, expensive ticket….
Zoe’s expressions are so funny!
Love her crying face that Daddy is leaving…
@juniper_breeeze - they were just ok. not impressed.
yumyum the cupcake looks good
i admit that i was planning on spying on your blog for good father’s day suggestions. i have no clue what to get. we’re going to the U.S. Open golf final round on sunday which will be pretty cool (he paid himself…he didn’t realize it was father’s day), but i want to get him something for his first father’s day.
how does mr pink stay so clean? is zoe a super neatfreak about her friends?
@tubecozy - i was thinking the solio but not sure. what’s your budget like?
dude, i wash the pinkster once a week. if not every other. they start smelling like spit if you don’t. hahaha
@PetiteMandoo - no more than $100, unless it’s something really really cool.
i washed one stuffed animal once and he’s just not the same anymore, so i’m scared. where did you find pink?
@PetiteMandoo - the solio sounds like a cool idea. guess it’ll come in handy when he’s at the golf course. hmmmmmmmm…
The cupcakes was too sweet for our taste. The supermarket across from Wendy’s had better cupcakes than the shop.
BTW, that was a “mean” gift.
This whole time I was thinking.. what to get my father in law… but I totally forgot that it’s my hubby’s day too! Thanks for reminding me!!
if you have any ideas for father’s day present, please do share!
zoe had so much girly fun at isabella & hannah’s house =). i wish i have those dress up shoes and stroller, it’s all bakugan toys in tyler’s room =(.
the cupcakes look delish, do they taste good?
wow, how fun and what a great place….i miss the convenience of malls and shopping areas……..thats nice that you guys are having family time………and Zoey is probably just as excited….How lucky that Z has so many unnies who adore and spoil her………..As for your fathers day gift…….lol..to my hubby, his girls are his gift……corny but true…….hmmmm, what something you and Zoey make for him…….maybe like a poem and frame it or a pic of you guys either doing funny faces that he can put in his office..your such a creative person…….i think you and Zoey making something will mean so much more then stuff…….
@uluvvy - hahaha i didn’t know it was going to clickity clack like that!
you got a ticket again?? you need to get a ear piece.
they have the best cupcake!! love love drool~~
I bet the clicking and clacking is the best part of wearing those princess shoes… for the princess… not so much for the rest of the household.
those cupcakes looks yuuuummmmyyyy~
@pc1004rn - hahaha no it’s the same one. i just paid it now.
haha…you really extended the date. that was in march or april..
That is an impressive shoe collection!
looks like a fun filled day! wait…is that the ticket from talking to me? eep~
i dont know what to get for father’s day either. i feel like such a procrastinator.
the cupcakes look yummy! sorry to hear about the ticket. hubby and i were up in washington state and we too got a ticket for driving over the speed limit when driving through a small state park area. $197 hubs was not in a good mood after that.
loved the idea of family time; i’m hoping we’ll be able to do it regularly; that is if we’re not bombarded by the grandparents coming over on a surprise visit. the in-laws seem to like dropping by now that we’re expecting. before becoming pregnant, they rarely came by our place.