June 18, 2009
My Projects
Some stuff I’ve been working on.
One day I was bored so I got all my yarn and rolled them all into balls.
Then another day I was going to work on an Easter project for church but never got to finish on time so I just kept it for home decor but it’s a tree branch wrapped in yarn.
I love yarn.
Then another day I looked at our stool and thought it was boring so I spray painted it.
Then another day I got sick of seeing all of Zoe’s shoes lined up on the window sil in the foyer so I got our terracotta plant pots and spray painted those. I love paint.
Projects I need to work on:
- Zoe’s rocking horse
- Zoe’s playtable
- Making a book of all my blog entries
Comments (36)
Cute! I love your DIYs.
all your projects make your home look so happy.
i think we have the same shelf (with like a bunch of squares from ikea?) i was thinking we’d get rid of it before c gets mobile. does zoe ever get into a mess with it?
@tubecozy - no we got that shelf from west elm in the as is section. the only thing she messes with is this one unopened collection of Pororo DVD’s but we just gave those to her cousin so now she never goes to the shelf.
never knew the dear leader was so stinkin adorable.
so pretty
I love all the colors and the picture our kji.
you’re so organized! i love all your projects!! if you’re bored and ran out of things to do, you’re welcome to come over and help me decorate! =P.
Love your ideas, especially the terracotta pots! If only I could do that with our own shoes. I’m so sick of seeing them stack up in our front door area. I’m constantly having to put them in the garage where it also stacks up. Any ideas?
I love your decorating skills! All your stuff looks like it belongs in a magazine~
Your ideas are splendid. How tall is your bookshelf and is zoe’s picture on a canvas?
Girl, you got some mad talent and imagination…do ever go crazy like an artist with all these ideas you have?…..the pictures as well is soooo pretty and neat…………feels like looking at one of those home magazines…Girl, you need to seriously stopping using your talent and get paid for what you do…..YOUR REALLY CREATIVE AND I’M SURE YOUR BURSTING WITH SO MUCH IDEAS…….can you please share some of your ideas? let alone get paid for it….seems to much waste of a talent…..seriously, your awesome!
Oh wow. I ADORE the tree branch wrapped with yarn. Was it tough to do or do you think a non-crafty person like me could handle it? Do you think you could give more details on the process? Like if you used glue.. or any other crucial details. Thanks!!
Girl, stop calling Zoey Kim Jong il……..lol.THATS INSULTING HER, YOU KNOW HE’S A NUT…..she’s way cutier and looking more and more like Boo, in the Monsters Inc……… NO MORE KIM JUNG IL, BUT ADORABLE BOO………..
I SO wish I was artsy and crafty as you~ *envious*
btw…. I love your rain boots? Are they Burberry?
I think the photo of Zoe is so cute!!!
I love the idea of putting her tiny little shoes into the pot. Susan, you are so creative and crafty; you make me jealous!
ditto what everyone else said!
love the pop of yellow! can’t wait to see the rocking horse
lol… she’s no Kim Jong Il! Although she may be the fearless leader of your family?
She’s too cute for words… can’t wait to see your book!
wow, you did a great job on those projects. wish i was just HALF as crafty as you. Can you really just spray paint anyting? My daughter COLORED all over her bookshelf, would I have to prime it first before spray painting?
first off, i wish i was so bored i had TIME to do that kind of stufff. second, everything looks awesome and is spray painting that easy?! what kind do you recommend? cuz i would love to spray paint some stuff too!
you are so freakishly talented. i. love. it. bow. down.
you gonna blurb your blog??? it’s so awesome!
@parkster7831 - kate spade girlfriend!
@JayMonKeee - heck yeah i’m gonna blurb it. i’m gonna give it to her when she grows up as a graduation gift.
@audreysmommie - if your daughter colored over her book shelf you don’t have to paint it. go to the supermarket in the cleaning aisle and get the magic eraser by mr clean. it takes off all crayon.
@spiritedsherry - i found the branch in my backyard. buy whatever yarn you what in whatever color and just start at the base of the branch and just keep wrapping it around. to hold the yarn in place i used glue dots.
@juniper_breeeze - zoe’s picture is on foam board. it’s left over from her birthday. the shelf is by west elm, i think it’s about 6 1/2 – 7 ft tall?
@StaceRT - oooh girl yeah i have a suggestion for you! http://rakkudesigns.com/home.asp
Is your home always that neat? I try to clean up after my 2 kids and we still look like we live at a daycare.
@jiNNie_g - hahaha yeah. i always pick up after her. i’m a lil ocd but my mil who lives with us is WAY worse.
OMG…you are super mommy! I can’t believe you were bored….sighhh…I wish I was like you more. Poor Matthew, his mommy is not very good in making our home beautiful like yours!
Making a book of all your blogs– awesome idea and its something Zoe can keep and look at when she gets older. She’ll see how crazy and crazy in love her mom is with her!! haha.
thanks for the advice! i will go out to get one of those magic erasers after work =D
@adrioh - oh you got the crazy part right sista!
@audreysmommie - fyi it comes in a box.
thank for the info =)
blurb is great – used it for my engagement photos!
@hudson_umma - I don’t recommend spray painting if you’re painting anything for the kids. like a table or a wooden toy but yeah it is pretty friggin easy! i love painting! woohoo!