June 19, 2009

  • Stuff This Week

    I have been busy this week and to top it off Zoe has a bad diaper rash and was screaming bloody murder this morning. Poor thing.

    Sunday – Playdate with CJ and Christian
    Monday – Paid my cellphone ticket, ordered new pull handles for the kitchen, made mac and cheese for Zoe, pick up drycleaning, give Zoe a bath
    Tuesday – Went to Lowe’s, went grocery shopping, finished painting the foyer (should have done this in December), took off all the remaining painter’s tape around the house (should have done this in September), make dinner
    Wednesday – Went shopping for Zoe’s beach stuff (sandals, swimsuit, hat, new sunglasses), bought a shower gift for Irene, Ordered a father’s day present for the hubs, take window measurements (we need to order new window treatments), take all our loose change to the bank (We made $500! Vacation fund!)
    Thursday - Vacuum + mop, give Zoe a much needed bath
    Today – Make father’s day card w/ Zoe, hang up Zoe’s shower caddy, Work on Zoe’s 15th month video,

    In case you’re wondering I don’t always make dinner since my mother in law cooks most of the time and I bathe Zoe every other day but yesterday I was pooped. So today it is. Every week I make a new TO-DO list and whatever I don’t finish from the week before gets pushed onto the new week. I actually like making to-do lists.

    :: 06.18.09 :: Cleaning

    :: 06.17.09 :: Strawberry Smoothie

    :: 06.16.09 :: The Piggy and the Webcam
    I told you. The girl is funny. She’s a total ham.

    Picture 1-1 Sometimes Zoe and I get bored (I mean you can tell from the photos you just saw). We went for a walk already but after her afternoon nap we were a little bored with the toys, and the books, and the tv….

    So we listened to some itunes (cause she loves music) with the visualizer showing (cause she loves watching everything move on the monitor) and turned on our webcam to take some photos + videos. She loves seeing herself on the monitor and she thinks it’s funny when she looks in the monitor and she sees me making a face behind her back cause then she’ll quickly turn around to see if she can catch me in the act (which she can’t cause mommy’s super fast like lightning shiet).

    Here is a video of our boredom in all its glory and we like to keep it real, this is how we usually are together.

    Dinner time!

    :: 06.15.09 :: Playtime
    IMG_3095            IMG_3096
    IMG_3103            IMG_3106

    :: 06.14.09 :: Playdate for Mommy + Zoe

    We got this in a grab bag at Oliver’s party. It’s clever. Thanks Carm!

    I met with my girls for lunch. We planned this since April. Shawnie came over with her hubs and Christian and we left them with C and Zoe. The husbands were packing up the kids to take them out to lunch when we left. My parting words were “Have fun. Don’t call us unless there’s blood or choking involved.”

    These are the girls I’ve grown up with. Anna has been my bff since I was 5. Shawnie since 6 and I’ve know Alexis since 6th grade. WAYYYY back. After lunch Alexis drove us all back to my place and she went home to get the hubs so all the husbands could go hit some golf balls. Young you sellout. We missed you.


    We took a walk to Fruit Gelataria to get some fro-yo.


    We played in the backyard. We also played with bubbles but since I was the designated bubble blower there are no photos.

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