December 6, 2012

  • Update

    Kayden’s Words:
    Cloud, Sun, Moon, Shark, Dolphin, Go away

    Kayden is just chattin up a storm these days. He’s like my little boyfriend. He gives me hugs and endless kisses. He can be so sweet one minute and then a monster the next. He’s also my bodyguard. C is not allowed to hug me if Kayden is watching. Sometimes he’ll hit my hand, which by the way wouldn’t even kill ant, and then right away he’ll go “You okay?” No you punk child of mine. So then I’ll throw in a fake cry and he’ll start to pet me and say “mommy, you okay?” I’ll go “i’m ok.” And then once he knows I’m ok he’ll hit me on the hand again and then ask “you okay?” Sometimes he’ll hit Zoe and I hear her go “MOMMY!!!!” and while she’s yelling I hear him say super fast while hugging her “sorrysorrysorrysorry” cause he knows he’s gonna get in trouble. Hahaha. God I love that punk. He’s had a runny nose since yesterday and this one time he picked his nose and held up his finger and said “ewwww (long pause) nasty” and then proceeded to swipe his finger down my shirt. Kayden, no swiping! He loves watching Dora. Like, loves her. Yesterday I come downstairs with just Zoe and the hubs goes “Where’s Kayden?” I responded “He wants to stay upstairs and play in Zoe’s room.” He goes “What’s he doing?” I hesitated “…playing princess.” Hahahaha…. *sigh* This is what happens when you have an older sister right? RIGHT?! For Christmas I want to get him a train table and set. I think he needs more boy toys. This morning after dropping Zoe off at school Kay and I were hanging out on Zoe’s bed and we each had on one of her headbands while play with her My Little Pony toys. *sigh* I was Rainbow Dash. He was Pinky Pie. He’s also really big into stuffed animals. It could be annoying at times like when we head down to the living room. He needs to bring like all 5 stuffed elephants or he has to bring his dinosaur stuffed animal with the dog stuffed animal and God forbid we leave the sheep behind…all 3 of them. Like c’mon!

    Zoe’s Daily Funny:
    So last week I pick Zoe up from school and Kayden is watching Zoe’s old Dora and the Crystal Kingdom video. Now if you watch Dora you know girlfriend got a little makeover this yr compared to the old videos. She goes…

    Zoe: *groan* Dora? Again?! *sigh*
    Me: I thought you liked Dora?
    Zoe: I ONLY watch the new Dora.

    Ew. Well EXCUSE me.

    Sorry I haven’t been posting lately. I’ve been having monitor issues. I use an old pc that husband is just DYING to get rid of. However that is the one that I’ve aways used. He even got me a Mac and I hardly touch it. We have 2 laptops also but THAT is the computer I feel most comfortable using when I post and edit. I feel so crippled. Right now I’m using one of the laptops. I hate laptop keys. Bah humbug. Tomorrow I go down to Philly with the kids to see my sisters and the kids and my mother for a few days. I’m giving C the weekend off.

    :: 09.13.12 :: Matilda (sorry it took me so long to post these Hannah)

    :: 09.14.12 :: Good Bye Matilda

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